Winter 1st November 2024 / 31st March 2025:
Monday to Sunday £15-00.
Our BRS system incorporates an online payment system allowing green fees to be paid online prior to the playing date. The process will operate as follows:
1. Book your Guests/Lifestyle tee times on BRS as normal.
2. If there is a green fee to be paid, you will receive an email Payment Request From the club asking for the outstanding balance to be paid on or before the date of the booking.
3. Click on ‘Pay Now’ and complete the details requested – Card Number, Expiry Date, Security 3 Digit Code and Postcode. Then click on ‘Pay’.
4. You will receive a confirmation of payment email by return. BRS will be automatically updated with payment and can be verified when checking in at the Pro Shop before teeing off.
5. To make the admin run smoothly, we recommend and prefer the use of this new system for all BRS payments. However, payment can also be made by contacting the Secretary on 01207 232848 Option 3 and providing the details verbally for them to carry out the transaction on the office computers. In normal circumstances the Secretary will be available Monday to Saturday between 10.00 am and 12.30 pm.
6. Please note that failure to settle the outstanding balance, by either means, by the date specified on the email request will result in automatic suspension of access to BRS and Intelligent Golf until payment is received. This will commence from the day following the booking.